All the children in the world are equal rights holders. In spite of this, millions of children are unaware of their rights and suffer constant grave violations of Human Rights. Education on Children´s Rights is an important and constructive tool to report cases of non-compliance and to break the chain of poverty and trans-generational damage.
All the children are equal rights holders, and so they have particular rights that recognize their special need for protection. Unfortunately, that fact makes them particularly vulnerable being exposed to different types of violence, exploitation and abuse. Putting children´s needs first in legislation, policies and social services could be the first step to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most ratified human rights treaty in history and so governments are obliged to act into accordance with its directives; to transform the standards into reality for all children; and to abstain from any action that may preclude the enjoyment of those rights or violate them.
The recognition of children´s rights is a steep path that must be started from education and training. The implementation on Children´s rights education is fundamental to build an active and responsible citizenship. But beyond the fulfilment of a legal obligation, children’s rights education has value for children.
Navega por el itinerario

Desvelar > Algunos datos
People under 18 years of age make up over 2,2 thousand million people, more than one third of the world´s population. Half of the global total, lack at least one of the four measures that are essential and critical for their survival and development. Over 10 million children under 5 years old die every year from diseases which are easy to prevent or treat, 125 million children have not seen the inside of a school in their lives and 215 million are slaves of child labour.
Recurso 1
- The lack of basics rights like public education, free healthcare or the right to be heard should be emphasised on the daily social agenda. Any organisation must focus their work for children on a holistic approach, which favours children´s full development. Since 2009 UNICEF UK is promoting citizen action through the campaign “PUT IT RIGHT”.
- Put It Right
Huw Williams, Gary Walker, Carol Powell
Fuente del recurso:
- Vídeo
Recurso 2
- The right to non-discrimination and equal opportunities is one of the guide principles of the CRC. In some countries, boys and girls die from diseases under-5s. This situation it has been reported by Save the Children campaign “No Children Born to Die”. Since 2011, the organisation works to prevent infant mortality.
- No Child Born To Die
Save the Children UK
Fuente del recurso:
Save the Children UK
- Vídeo
Desvelar > En primera persona
The worst atrocities in human history have been committed against underage children as the result of armed conflict, sexual exploitation, human trafficking and child labour. Talking about figures highlights the scale of the tragedy. The following testimonies show some of the numerous injustices and their consequences.
Recurso 3
- By the end of June 2014 the European Union and UNICEF created a project to help raise the voices of children victims of conflicts or humanitarian emergencies, and who are not being listened to. The abuse is added to the trauma that minors already face because of the civil war.
- Voices of Children
Fuente del recurso:
- Web
Recurso 4
- Both a cause and a consequence of poverty, child labour deprives children from their childhood, their potential and dignity. Furthermore, it impairs their physical and psychological development. Nowadays 215 million children in the world are victims of child labour and that over half of them are involved in its worst forms.
- The Children Notwork
Fuente del recurso:
Advertisers without borders
- Vídeo
Enfocar > Clave1
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 44/25 on the 20th of November 1989. This international treaty reflects a new vision of the child: children are neither the property of their parents nor are they helpless objects of charity. From that moment on, children must be treated as active rights-holders.
Recurso 5
- The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) represents the first international multilateral treaty in history with a universal vocation focused on children. It is the most ratified treat, all the countries in the world have now signed it except Somalia and the United States of America. The CRC has 54 articles and 3 optional protocols, all with mandatory obligation of all governments and civil society of the signatory countries.
- 25 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Fuente del recurso:
- Vídeo
Recurso 6
- The CRC recognizes the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. In addition, it incorporates an approach based on children and adolescence needs as moral basis of positive law.
- We live of love
Silvano Agosti
- Vídeo
Enfocar > Clave2
The Convention recognizes the right to an adequate standard of living and is legally binding. As the principle of protection says “In legal actions which affect a child, the child's rights and interests shall be paramount” Nonetheless, some of the countries that have signed it do not implement legislation pertaining to the convention that protects children from neglect and poverty.
Recurso 7
- The right of children to special protection and care has been enshrined in more than 20 articles of the Convention. Millions of children victims of crime all over the world are exposed to exploitation and abuse in the criminal justice process. In several occasions such acts of violence accentuate a painful revictimization.
- Because I´m 16
Fuente del recurso:
T J Parsell
- Vídeo
Recurso 8
- The Spanish law “Ley Orgánica 1/2000” regulating the imposition of criminal responsibility on children, is oriented to attain the children re-education and reintegration into society
- Emilio Calatayud, the Reforming Judge
Fuente del recurso:
European Journal / DW – TV
- Vídeo
Enfocar > Clave3
Simply put, the best interests of the child means considering the child before a decision affecting his/her life is made. This is a principle that has established itself through all matters and legislation affecting the well-being of the child. However, the application and interpretation of this principle is by no means easy.
Recurso 9
- In 2009, the ‘United Nations Guidelines for the Alternative Care of children’, confirmed that alternative care for young children, especially those under the age of 3 years, should be provided in family-based settings. Foster Care is becoming one of the main forms of alternative care.
- Foster Carer
Fuente del recurso:
The Fostering Network
- Vídeo
Recurso 10
- Shared custody or shared parenting is a specific type of child custody wherein each parent receives a roughly equal amount of time spent with the child without damage his/her needs. Any process of involuntary deprivation must ensure the best interests of the child and conserve both parents as equals. The rights of the family should transcend the parents´ marriage.
- Dispatches | Shared Parenting – Tim Loughton#SharingMumDad Testimony
Fuente del recurso:
Channel 4 Documentary
- Vídeo
Actuar > En movimiento
There are numerous NGOs and institutions working within the framework of the CRC to transform children´s rights in to a reality. They all share the common objective of obtaining a respectful and child-friendly society in which children’s rights are respected on a day-to-day basis and their achievements are increasingly relevant.
Recurso 11
- Transnational corporations play a growing role on the world economic scene on the respect and promotion of human rights is increasingly recognised. The Global Compact, UNICEF and Save the Children developed the Children´s Rights and Business Principles to guide companies on the full range of actions.
Recurso 12
- The eight Millennium Development Goals are in line with the commitments goals set out by the international community in “A world fit for children”, the plan of action from the assembly's first Special Session. The second Goal of achieving universal primary education is a core development goal in itself.
- Nobel de la Paz 2014: Malala Yousafzai y Kailash Satyarthi
Fuente del recurso:
- Vídeo
Actuar > Un primer paso
Political advocacy is an essential tool for further steps in Children´s Rights. To do so, it needs to maintain development education and child and youth participation as policy instruments.
Recurso 13
- The right to participate is relevant to the exercise of all other rights, within the family, the school and the larger community context. The key to genuine participation is ensuring respect for their views. Participation is about children having the opportunity to express their views freely and achieve change.
Recurso 14
- The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure was adopted during the 66th session of the UN General Assembly on 2011 The Protocol introduces a communications procedure that allows children to submit a complaint about violations of their rights by their State to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.