Esto hay que cortarlo


#estohayquecortarlo, Ninguna frontera vale más que una vida humana. Ayúdanos a cortar con la brutalidad en el control de las fronteras (#thishastobecutoff, No border worths a human life. Help us to end brutality in border’s control) is the campaign by CEAR for the respect of Human Rights in borders. It was launched after the citizen outrage caused by the images showing how horrible were the wounds by razor-wire fence of Melilla border.


Ask for the participants to read the RESEARCH section BEFORE signing the CEAR’s petition (additional information can be provided also). Then they should deliberate whether that policy of border control is suitable or not. Role-playing workshop: Crossing the razor-wire fence of Melilla- in my journey from Addis Ababa to Paris (Who am I? What are my vital circumstances? Do I know what I am coming face to face to?)


  • Público en general



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  • Vídeo




April 2014

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